Ski schools and ski areas in the tourist region Bregenzerwald, Vorarlberg!

To get you started, we would like to introduce you to the Bregenzerwald. About 32,000 people live here, in 23 villages. The "forests" are considered to be self-confident, independent people who are proud of their roots and open to new things.

You will notice the successful, thoroughly courageous coexistence of tradition and modernity in the architecture and craftsmanship. Both disciplines are closely interwoven and are a symbol of what the Bregenzerwald is particularly good at: Namely, creating artistic, beautiful, pleasurable things that are both well thought-out and meaningful. This interplay is visible and tangible in many places. 

For a rural region, the Bregenzerwald offers an extremely varied cultural program. The biggest festival is the Schubertiade Schwarzenberg. Many guests also combine visits to the Bregenz Festival - known for its spectacular opera productions on the lake stage - with a vacation in the Bregenzerwald.

The Bregenzerwald landscapes are a treat for the eye - and for the soul. A shapely combination of rolling hills, wide plains, romantic river valleys and imposing peaks. Ideal for those who love to move and enjoy nature. It is mainly the farmers who are responsible for the preservation and care of the cultural landscape. Typical for the Bregenzerwald is the 3-stage cultivation of the pastures (valley - central alp "Vorsäß" - high alp).

Skiskoler i Bregenzerwald